Andy Van Solkema looking forwardAndy Van Solkema looking forward

You cannot predict the future, but you can anticipate, position and create for it.

I help leaders, teams, entrepreneurs and founders navigate change they are ready for.

Benefits and Outcomes

Benefits of applying creative leadership into your teams and organizations.

Envision Horizons and future scenarios

Future casting your business against multiple horizons allows you to see the potential and possible. Addressing "what could" against "what should"  by mapping an understanding of steps and friction points, clarifying vision and defining new meaning for your org.

Iterative and aligned teams

Leading creative teams means a space to explore, create, fail and find fulfillment. I help you empower your teams, find your creative potential, structure, alignment of vision and product and communication initiatives that ultimately create meaning from the work.

Positioning your product, services and busienss model.

Looking ahead allows us to see the possible, but understanding moving markets, consumer behaviors, technologies and timing gives us a path towards not just product market fit, but positioning for emerging business value.

A few I've worked with...

Copyright 2023 Andy Van Solkema & AV/2